Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Squirrel Chimney Sweep

For my midterm project, I'm going to feature an animation in which a squirrel has taken on the task of cleaning out a chimney. Soot clings to Squirrel as his tail cleans the inside of the chimney wildly. The squirrel gradually gets more and more dirty, and continues its work until the squirrel starts to notice that a fire has been lit in the fireplace. The squirrel makes a run for it, and the flames chase it. It runs across the roof, but the flames continue to chase the squirrel. The flames keep chasing the rodent as it runs across several rooves (already several houses away). When the squirrel jumps onto a tree and runs to a hollow part, making its way inside, the flames stop and recede, as if they had never existed. The squirrel looks out of the hollow. The flames now receded, the squirrel scampers back out across a branch, disappearing from the screen.

This takes some of the research about squirrels and uses it together with a field that still needs a little more research, but is interesting all on its own.

Theme: Man vs. nature (or rather = squirrel vs. material world)

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