Project 1 - Dynamic Imaging from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.
While this project didn't quite end up going in quite the direction that I will be taking projects in the future, it did include one of the characters that I will be using.
Photoshoping went smoothly, but once I brought everything into After Effects, I found that my notes were not as helpful as I would have liked. So, definitely, better note-taking about the program in the future. Also, in the future, I found that the assets took the longest out of the entire assignment to put together. In the future, it would be awesome to have some extra time on that, but at the same time, starting earlier is a must on my part.
The idea of using real images and sketched images together seemed kind of questionable to me at first, but after seeing them together, the effect actually turned out quite nicely in my opinion. Perhaps if the mouse had been the only drawn figure, it wouldn't have fit as well, but because other small objects were put in, the overall effect of both elements seemed to merge together effectively. The result of everything seemed almost overwhelming as a mass in the image. I ended up putting a layer or two less than I had planned to, just because there was way too much crazy going on already.
All in all, I'm actually happy with the end result. I got to test a new program, learned a few new things about Photoshop, and used the tablets for the first time. In the future, I actually want to work more on the idea that I actually want to do.
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