Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Project 4 - Multi-movement Characters

Mouse Hole - Project 2 from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.

So, for this assignment, I found myself, once again spending a ridiculous amount of time in photoshop. That being said, a tablet is definitely on the list of things to get in the very near future.

I got the pegging thing worked out from last week (thankfully, or this project would have been impossible). Once again, I found myself making just dumb mistakes as I was working. At one point when I went to render, I realized that when I had started the project, I hadn't changed the screen size. This set me back about an hour, caused a lot of frustration (as everything didn't want to size down all at the same time), and overall made me have to reanimate a bunch of the mouse's path. As a result, I don't think I spent nearly as much time smoothing out the mouse's speed and destinations as I should have for the final product. On the flip side though, adding expressions went fairly smoothly. I think I still have a lot more to learn about walk cycles though. Maybe add a waddle or a bounce here and there. That's something that I'll have to experiment with, especially since I didn't take the Animation class that dealt with walk cycles... and because my character isn't human.

On that note, I'm still not completely happy with my character yet. It may still undergo some changes in the future in photoshop... or if it doesn't, I will attempt to design other characters related to this project more efficiently.

All in all, I really could have used some more time on this project. I'm not quite happy with it yet, but happy enough to call it done if it has to be.

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