Monday, August 30, 2010

E. Experience of Experimenting

Overall, all these experiments have shown me a little of why I like what I like, but they haven't really made me want to change my what I want to do this semester. They also haven't made it easier to narrow down which particular topic I want to use. I like both of the topics, but for different reasons. The Rodent Plumbers idea, I like because it's cute, yet completely absurd. It posses the question of "could this happen?" On the other hand, my Animal Planet of Mythical Creatures idea is funny because it couldn't possibly happen. Knowing that, it would be displayed in a way that would make it true, even when it clearly is not.

A made me want to go back to doing something horse-related. While I don't have any ideas thought out for this particular genre, I think doing something with animals would be more than good enough to satisfy myself. The solo play just taught me that I like color and texture. The group play taught me that I can be confident around other people, but only to a point. In relation to my own idea though, I didn't really learn a whole lot more. As a whole I like my original ideas. The only thing I have left is to pick one and to use it.

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