Monday, August 30, 2010

C. Solo Play

My solo play experience turned out to be an odd kind of paper, flower, rock, etc. chandelier...

The quantity part of this experience had to do with just how many things I had hanging down and attached to this one poster board snowflake.

What I had originally thought of doing was going out and getting sculpy. I then remembered that I had a whole box of random materials that I wasn't using for anything. I decided that would be perfect for this project.

It's been a long time since I've actually taken the time to put something together without having a set purpose in what exactly it was going to be beforehand. I had a few instances where I had to solve a few problems... like how to get things to stick onto the paper without falling afterwards.

I don't really believe that this project has anything to do with any of the ideas that I actually want make, or any of the materials that I actually want to work with though.

If I did this exercise again, I might choose a different kind of solution or a different way of going about creating it. Still, I'm not completely unhappy with the overall result. For play, I think this was a fair idea.

As for learning about myself though, I'm not sure I can really say that I did learn much in that area. I can say that
I like pretty things like flowers and clear/colored rocks. Maybe something to explore in the future.

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