So after a bit of thought, I made the consecutive decision that the whole rat and the lab idea wasn't going to end up going much of anywhere after the feedback last Thursday. I still don't really agree with what was said, mostly because I think it was more based around the idea of being politically correct, or catering to every minority in society. That being said... I could care less about politically correct, nor catering to these minorities or even the majority. I just want to do stuff that I think is funny to me. The way society interprets them is valid if only for the reason that society tends to paint its own ideals on everything anyway. The fact that anyone thinks I'm making a statement about something, simply projects those ideals, making its own separate statement about our society in general... we can't separate ourselves from our own insecurities and prejudice. But since I can't change the common opinion... and it could be potentially even more hazardous to my health to ignore it or try to change it... I will change the subject matter all together.
The new direction goes like this: A rat is going about his business, stealing food from the kitchen of a house. A cat watches this happening and jumps off its spot on the counter to chase the rat. And when we realize that the rat is not going to make it back to his hole in time, the cat catches him. Instead of harming him though, the female cat starts rubbing and licking him, like she would a significant other. So starts their odd inter-species relationship. The cat quickly recognizes his needs as a rat. She helps the rat steal food from the kitchen, cuddles with the rat for warmth at night, and helps him hide from people of the house that want to harm him...
Then the cat decides to let one of his stray friends meet his new significant other. The stray cat at first seems completely fine with the idea, and then he gobbles the rat up in one swoop. Crushed by the loss of her love, she mopes around the house until she happens to see an opossum that has taken residence in the yard. She immediately perks up and goes running out the door towards it.
I'm using the house cat instead of an outdoor cat because it would be more likely that a house cat may not hunt mice or rats, versus and outdoor cat that's accustomed to them. Also the possum is yet another rodent, and like the rat isn't very loved by the human population. Why the cat and the rat? The two are usually enemies... it would be interesting to see how a predator prey relationship could be pushed aside if an emotion came into the game. And for that same reason, it's fitting that the rat would be killed by another cat. This is a fitting end to the semester's subject in my opinion. However, since a cat getting along with a rat isn't really that normal, I figured that the ending was not only a nice gag, but made a light statement that the cat could be a little looney, or at least completely out of the ordinary.
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