Color Correction - Brightness and Contrast
Since lighting changes in the beginning of the video, I used keyframes to correct the contrast and brightness to get some measure of consistency.
Color Correction - CC Toner
Then adding CC Toner, and controlling the blend with the original, as well as the color of the toner. The first setting is to a blue midtone toner, and a 0% Blend with the original created a complete contrast of dark blue and white. I then added key frames to increase the blend to the original, and one keyframe to change the midtone of the toner. So now it looks like it reverts to the original in the end, going through a sepia tone in the middle.
Basic Color Effects from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.
Comp 2:
Transition - CC Jaws
For this rather cheesy effect, I experimented with the idea of an apple being eaten. Again, I used key frames to control the direction of the effect, the height of the "jaws", and the completion of the transition. Going back and forth in the completion made it possible to make a very cheesy version of the apple being eaten.
Generate - Fractal
This effect made the apple disappear. I turned on Transparency and Overlay under "Color." It's set to the original "Lightness gradient" Palette. Hue can add slight changes to the background or interior of the main body object. "Cycle Steps", especially when it's pushed 36 and higher, makes the object become thinner. The "Equation" sets how many sides the main body that you're looking at has. It starts at 2 sides and ends at 5. "Imagination" and "Real" on Mandelbrot moves the main body and animates the bright blue glowy stuff. On Julia, the blue stuff is moved right and left independently. Edge Highlights appear to work best on the CC Jaws effect, giving a lighter aoutline around its edges.
Experiment 2 from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.
Comp 3:
Distort - CC Flo Motion
This effect is kind if like a black hole, or an inverter in position. In order to make it look like the apple had been sucked in, I controlled the amount of pull for Knots 1 and 2. And then made them reappear again afterwards.
Color Correction - Change Color
This only seems to help change the hue of the color. I used Key frames on "Hue Transform", and just changed "Lightness Transform", "Saturation Transform", "Matching Softeness", "Matching Tolerance" as a steady correction, and turned "Inverted Color Correction" to on.
Distort - CC Griddler
I used this to give the pull of the CC Flo Motion a little more umph! I set it so that it could only be seen when the apple was being "pulled in," and I lowered the tile size to 2.5 to make it less chunky. I changed the "Vertical scale" and "Horizontal scale" to create pixel-like boxes during the pull.
Untitled from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.
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