Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Typography Project

Dog vs. Rat

Typography - edit1 from Celia Mitchell on Vimeo.

This project turned out to be a race between a dog and a rat. The idea originated from the end of the story of the cat and the rat in the Zodiac. Instead of the ox, though, who carried the rat, I decided to use my own character, that has slightly my significance to me (a sheep dog).

All in all, this project didn't take as long as other projects in building and animating, but new problems arose, like the fact that each character is transparent. I ended up having to fill them in manually. The interaction between the rat and the dog went pretty well actually. I enjoy simple over complicated and chaotic when it comes to text.

Overall, the result was mostly successful. Things didn't go too crazy. I'm happy with that.

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